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Kid’s Bedroom

This project is about creating a friendly  space for a little boy in order to spend his first years of his life.

This room was designed with a forward thinking way, because after three years, the little boy will be an elementary student,  so he will have a different routine meaning a different bedroom. Having always in mind, that some elements of the space will change in the future, we hierarchy the needs of the little boy and design a transformable space.

We are focusing on the three main activities of sleeping, playing and reading. These activities shape the bedroom plan and firstly, we design a bed with a set of steps that are at the same a storage space. The other two focusing areas are designed in a flexible way. The necessary playing area was  created so that the child will arrogate his personal space and transform it. The wall next to the bed is decorated with a mountain and a sky view, that was created with the composition of different elements -moon light, stickers and paint mountains-, instead of a flat wallpaper. The color palette includes mint and yellow accents in order to create a playful and relaxing atmosphere.

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