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Παναγιωτοπουλος | Κεραμοτουβλοποιια ΑΒΕΕ

Branding Design and Exhibition Concept for the promotion of Panagiotopoulos S.A. company, which is a family business with a history of more than half a century in the field of ceramics and modern culture. Panagiotopoulos S.A. is specialized in production of high quality building materials as Bricks, Roof Tiles and Ceramic Powder.

We were assigned by the company to design its exhibition pavilion combining architectural and graphic design. The project of brand identity included wall banners, secondary elements, illustrations and advertisements for the promotion of the factory.

The core of the project was to focus on products’ properties and to present the major projects of Panagiotopoulos S.A. that reflect the quality, durability and aesthetics of the company. The design process was based on three focusing zones of different significance. We create these zones at different levels and put the elements we want to present in hierarchy, based on materiality. We design infographics that represent the products’ properties and at the second level we create a ribbon that surrounds the pavilion, offering a pleasant walk through a photo gallery. At the lower level, there are informations about  products that can be read when someone approaches the pavilion for a more detailed look. The different focusing zones can be seen from alternative viewing angles, in order to attract the exhibition visitors’.

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