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Εκθεσιακο Περιπτερο _ Παναγιωτοπουλος ΑΒΕΕ

We were assigned by Panagiotopoulos S.A., a company that  is specialized in production of high quality building materials as Bricks, Roof Tiles and Ceramic Powder, to design its Exhibition Pavilion. Its main target was to exhibit its products and their applications in an original way.

The design concept was based on using vertical surfaces of display stands and workbenches for presentation of products, in a manner that exhibition stands become exhibits and vice versa. Roof tiles that is the main product of Panagiotopoulos S.A. is exhibited on vertical showcases of different height, bricks are placed on horizontal surfaces creating patterns and ceramic power is sampled into glass vases that offer the sense of touch  to the visitors.

We imagined the pavilion as a transitional space and not as an enclosed one, by shaping movements around display stands and benches where different styles of roof tiles and colors are applied. Intense lines used for plan and the arrangement of materials in a diagonal way, create intense perspectives and magnify the available space.

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